Who's using it?

Empowering network-thinking organizations worldwide

Network-thinking organizations
Network-thinking organizations

What is it for?

Create solutions unique to your strategic needs

Ecosystem Mapping

Create a holistic view of all the actors and their relationships in your ecosystem.

Partnership Strategy

Slash information asymmetry by understanding the indirect relationships in your partnerships.

Community Intelligence

Explore the opportunities arising from the collective intelligence of your community.

Knowledge Graphs

Make better decisions faster by building and navigating a network of knowledge bits.

Investment Strategy

Discover opportunities by taking into account the indirect relationships, ahead of the trend.

Policy Mapping

Bring everyone on the same page about complex issues that matter to them and to their communities.

How does it work?

Get started easily, grow with advanced features

What our users say

Graph Commons supported us to uncover previously invisible insights into our ecosystem of talent, projects and micro-communities. As a collective of cutting-edge creative enterprises we are able to connect and mobilise more productively in the service of our work, our clients and the world at large. Graph Commons have been a catalytic force for good.

Farah Golant

Farah Golant

President, kyu

Graph Commons helps us tap into the wisdom of networks for organizing with communities, uncover subtle power relationships essential to our work, and carry out our policy making work strategically.

Emel Kurma

Emel Kurma

Executive Director, Citizen's Assembly

Graph Commons has been an indispensable tool for both visualizing and navigating through dense pools of data setsto identify highly relevant corrections and connections.

Scott Cohen

Scott Cohen

Co-Founder, New Lab

I am often asked, for those not trained in #NetSci, is there easy to use toolset to visualize networks. I learned from @arikan about graphcommons.com --this is it. Enjoy.

Albert-László Barabási

Albert-László Barabási

Director, Barabasi Lab

Frequently Asked Questions

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